Vizari Compression Sleeve

Vizari Compression Sleeve

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The Vizari Compression Sleeve is suitable for both children and adults of all ages. Players wear the compression sleeve over a shin guard that is a slip-in style. The compression sleeve holds the shinguard in place. This compression sleeve is made of 100% polyester, making it lightweight, breathable, and ultra-comfortable. Its compression fit offers increased support and stability, while its strong and durable construction ensures superior comfort. Perfect for any activity, this compression sleeve is the ideal choice for athletes looking to maximize their performance.


  • The Vizari Compression Sleeve is designed to provide maximum comfort and support. Its lightweight andbreathable fabric allows for a cool and comfortable fit that is perfect for athletes and those who need extra supportfor their arms. The compression sleeve also features a secure fit that helps keep the sleeve in place during anyactivity. With its breathable design and comfortable fit, this sleeve is perfect for athletes who need extra supportand protection for their arms.
  • Its compression fit offers a snug and secure fit, providing enhanced proprioception, muscle control, and stability.The compression fit also helps reduce muscle fatigue and discomfort. With its lightweight, breathable fabric, thiscompression sleeve provides a comfortable fit, allowing you to stay active longer.
  • The Vizari Compression Sleeve is a strong and durable sleeve designed to provide superior comfort. Made with abreathable, lightweight fabric, it offers excellent support and helps reduce muscle fatigue. The compression fit helpsreduce muscle strain and keeps your muscles warm during exercise.


  • Synthetic material
  • Lightweight and breathable fabric for maximum comfort
  • Compression fit for increased support and stability
  • strong and durable
  • superior comfort
  • The compression sleeve holds the shinguard in place